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:warning: data_structure/binary_trie.cpp

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template<typename T = int, int B = 32>
class binaryTrie {
    struct node {
        int cnt;
        T lazy;
        node *ch[2];
        node() : cnt(0), lazy(0), ch{nullptr, nullptr} {}
    node* root;
    void eval(node* t, int depth) {
        if(t->lazy >> depth & 1) swap(t->ch[0], t->ch[1]);
        if(t->ch[0]) t->ch[0]->lazy ^= t->lazy;
        if(t->ch[1]) t->ch[1]->lazy ^= t->lazy;
        t->lazy = 0;
    node* add(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(!t) t = new node;
        if(depth < 0) return t;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        t->ch[f] = add(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
        return t;
    node* sub(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(t->cnt == 0) return nullptr;
        if(depth < 0) return t;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        t->ch[f] = sub(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
        return t;
    T get_min(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1; f ^= !t->ch[f];
        return get_min(t->ch[f], val, depth-1) | (f << depth);
    T get(node *t, int k, int depth = B-1) {
        if(depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        int m = t->ch[0] ? t->ch[0]->cnt : 0;
        if(k < m) return get(t->ch[0], k, depth-1);
        return get(t->ch[1], k-m, depth-1) | (1 << depth);
    int count_lower(node* t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(!t || depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        int tmp = (f && t->ch[0]) ? t->ch[0]->cnt : 0;
        return tmp + count_lower(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
    binaryTrie() : root(nullptr) {}
    int size() const { return root ? root->cnt : 0; }
    bool empty() const { return !root; }
    void insert(T val) { root = add(root, val); }
    void erase(T val) { root = sub(root, val); }
    void xor_all(T val) { if(root) root->lazy ^= val; }
    // valとXORを取ったときのmax/min
    T max_element(T val=0) { return get_min(root, ~val); }
    T min_element(T val=0) { return get_min(root, val); }
    int lower_bound(T val) { return count_lower(root, val); }
    int upper_bound(T val) { return count_lower(root, val+1); }
    T operator[](int k) {
        assert(0 <= k && k < size());
        return get(root, k);
    // valの個数
    int count(T val) {
        if(!root) return 0;
        node *t = root;
        for(int i=B-1; i>=0; --i) {
            eval(t, i);
            t = t->ch[val>>i&1];
            if(!t) return 0;
        return t->cnt;

namespace cf947c {
    void solve() {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vector<int> a(n), p(n);
        REP(i, n) cin >> a[i];
        REP(i, n) cin >> p[i];

        binaryTrie<int, 32> trie;
        REP(i, n) trie.insert(p[i]);

        REP(i, n) {
            int ret = trie.min_element(a[i]);
            cout << (ret^a[i]) << " ";
        cout << endl;

namespace spoj_subxor {
    void solve() {
        ll t;
        cin >> t;
        REP(tes, t) {
            ll n, k;
            cin >> n >> k;
            vector<ll> a(n);
            REP(i, n) cin >> a[i];

            binaryTrie<ll, 32> trie;
            ll ret = 0;
            REP(i, n) {
                ret += trie.lower_bound(k);
            cout << ret << endl;

namespace arc033c {
    void solve() {
        ll q;
        cin >> q;
        binaryTrie<ll, 32> trie;
        REP(i, q) {
            ll t, x;
            cin >> t >> x;
            if(t == 1) {
            } else {
                cout << trie[x-1] << endl;

#line 1 "data_structure/binary_trie.cpp"
template<typename T = int, int B = 32>
class binaryTrie {
    struct node {
        int cnt;
        T lazy;
        node *ch[2];
        node() : cnt(0), lazy(0), ch{nullptr, nullptr} {}
    node* root;
    void eval(node* t, int depth) {
        if(t->lazy >> depth & 1) swap(t->ch[0], t->ch[1]);
        if(t->ch[0]) t->ch[0]->lazy ^= t->lazy;
        if(t->ch[1]) t->ch[1]->lazy ^= t->lazy;
        t->lazy = 0;
    node* add(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(!t) t = new node;
        if(depth < 0) return t;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        t->ch[f] = add(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
        return t;
    node* sub(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(t->cnt == 0) return nullptr;
        if(depth < 0) return t;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        t->ch[f] = sub(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
        return t;
    T get_min(node *t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1; f ^= !t->ch[f];
        return get_min(t->ch[f], val, depth-1) | (f << depth);
    T get(node *t, int k, int depth = B-1) {
        if(depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        int m = t->ch[0] ? t->ch[0]->cnt : 0;
        if(k < m) return get(t->ch[0], k, depth-1);
        return get(t->ch[1], k-m, depth-1) | (1 << depth);
    int count_lower(node* t, T val, int depth = B-1) {
        if(!t || depth < 0) return 0;
        eval(t, depth);
        bool f = (val >> depth) & 1;
        int tmp = (f && t->ch[0]) ? t->ch[0]->cnt : 0;
        return tmp + count_lower(t->ch[f], val, depth-1);
    binaryTrie() : root(nullptr) {}
    int size() const { return root ? root->cnt : 0; }
    bool empty() const { return !root; }
    void insert(T val) { root = add(root, val); }
    void erase(T val) { root = sub(root, val); }
    void xor_all(T val) { if(root) root->lazy ^= val; }
    // valとXORを取ったときのmax/min
    T max_element(T val=0) { return get_min(root, ~val); }
    T min_element(T val=0) { return get_min(root, val); }
    int lower_bound(T val) { return count_lower(root, val); }
    int upper_bound(T val) { return count_lower(root, val+1); }
    T operator[](int k) {
        assert(0 <= k && k < size());
        return get(root, k);
    // valの個数
    int count(T val) {
        if(!root) return 0;
        node *t = root;
        for(int i=B-1; i>=0; --i) {
            eval(t, i);
            t = t->ch[val>>i&1];
            if(!t) return 0;
        return t->cnt;

namespace cf947c {
    void solve() {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vector<int> a(n), p(n);
        REP(i, n) cin >> a[i];
        REP(i, n) cin >> p[i];

        binaryTrie<int, 32> trie;
        REP(i, n) trie.insert(p[i]);

        REP(i, n) {
            int ret = trie.min_element(a[i]);
            cout << (ret^a[i]) << " ";
        cout << endl;

namespace spoj_subxor {
    void solve() {
        ll t;
        cin >> t;
        REP(tes, t) {
            ll n, k;
            cin >> n >> k;
            vector<ll> a(n);
            REP(i, n) cin >> a[i];

            binaryTrie<ll, 32> trie;
            ll ret = 0;
            REP(i, n) {
                ret += trie.lower_bound(k);
            cout << ret << endl;

namespace arc033c {
    void solve() {
        ll q;
        cin >> q;
        binaryTrie<ll, 32> trie;
        REP(i, q) {
            ll t, x;
            cin >> t >> x;
            if(t == 1) {
            } else {
                cout << trie[x-1] << endl;

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